Thursday, March 7, 2013

Puzzle Piece fundraiser!

I ordered the sweetest custom puzzle for Jacob's room, and it arrived today! For those that are not familiar, the pieces are available and you purchase a piece by donating. We will write your name on the piece and when all of the pieces are purchased the puzzle will be assembled and framed between 2 pieces of glass. Then it will be hung in his room and when we flip it around we will see the names of all of the people who donated to help bring him home! For a $5.30 (30 cents is the 6% paypal fee they deduct, if you pay in person you do not need to add this) donation to our Reece's Rainbow Grant Fund you get one piece. If you would like a message written on them I would recommend purchasing a couple as the pieces are not very big. I will apply the donations towards our give away as well so you are entered if you buy at least 2 pieces! This is a 252 piece puzzle and will help us raise over $1250 for our little guy!

*Update - 3/12/13  Fourteen pieces sold so far! Just 238 to go! :)
*Update - 3/18/13  Twenty Eight sold, 224 to go!
*Update - 3/19/13 Thirty sold, 222 to go!
*Update - 3/26/13 Thirty Four sold, 218 still available!
*Update - 4/6/13 Forty one sold, 211 to go!

For details about our Give-away -Click Here

Donation link for mobile users (and also updates quicker if you would like to make sure we got the funds) 

Other ways you can support us:
Shop my Etsy Shop 
Shop my Studio Page
Shop our Porch Sale
Order a custom baby/toddler quilt or minky snuggle blanket
Donate items to our garage sale in April/May or volunteer to help work it!