Thursday, October 24, 2013

One month home and doing awesome!

Praise God, he has done such an amazing thing by adding our lil guy to our family.  He is a perfect fit for us, and we for him. He has gained over 3lbs since we have been home and is much more active and talkative. Bonding is going terrific, lots of eye contact, people preference (mom & dad, then siblings), and he is exploring toys. His teeth have come in a bunch with the added nutrition and you can tell very clearly the line of decay from not having them cared for before we got him. The tops of his teeth where they were through the gum line are decayed to tiny sharp nubs. He's eating like a champ and is taking things by spoon once in a while. We just love him to bits. My only regret from the whole thing is that we did not bring two children home. But God has a plan and I am quite sure our family is not finished expanding.

Here are a few random photos, though none are terrific since my good camera stopped working just after we got home.

(Snoozing in his swing after playing for a bit. 1 week home)

(2 weeks home. Playing on his playmat. video capture)

(Meeting one of the ponies with a few of his sisters. 3 weeks home)

(Playing is hard work! 4 weeks home)

He has gained a lot of muscle control so far. He scoots around on his blanket on the floor, tries to roll over, and holds his head up side to side (front to back is harder). He loves being tickled and flipped upside down like any 2 yr old boy. He's started to do things he thinks are funny, like scooting across the floor the second I get his diaper off for a changing, or tossing his head to one side when he's sitting on me and I move it to the other side. He gets a smile on his face when he does it. He's a goofball and it's fun to watch him grow and show his personality.  He's very sensitive as well and if he's not happy, he will let you know. When we got home he pulled a killer pouty lip face quite often. Now he does not do it as much, and he's gotten better at vocalizing. He's not speaking words yet but does make a wide variety of sounds so I am sure we will get there eventually. His hair has grown a ton since we got home as well. It sticks up in the cutest whirl at the front on one side. I'm not sure if we will just let it grow out a bit or if we will trim it to some sort of faux-hawk.

Well back to 'work' now for me. Writing blog posts does not help the housework or art get done!

OH and since we are done funding adoption stuff for the time being, I want to give you some options for my friends to help with their funding!!!

I LOVE this family!! Their kiddos are just home a year and they are going back. Please support them! They ROCK! The fudge is amazing and I now have a super cute "Feather Man" in my art studio as an inspiration.