Friday, May 3, 2013

Still kickin! Give-away winners and lots of fundraisers!

I am exhausted!! And for more than one reason apparently. I thought I was just getting worn out from all of the work, but it turns out my choice to 'eat healthier' wasn't so healthy and my iron was is pretty low. Whoops. Guess I will stop denying myself those cheese burgers and steaks afterall!  Anyway, we are still pushing through on fundraising!  Lots of stuff going on right now. Here is a recap.

Blog Give-Away - We finally hit $600 in our Reece's Rainbow Grant and I decided that we will end the give-away now and draw for all of the remaining prizes. Each winner will get their choice. I will start drawing those next week unless I get a chance before that. Keep an eye on the blog's original give-away post for the announcements!

Puzzle Pieces - we still have 196 puzzle pieces to get names on! With just a little over 2 months to go till we are likely to travel, we have a LOT to do!

We also have a Jamberry fundraiser party going on right now. The rep is donating all of her commission from sales to us! That is 30%. Check it out -

Garage Sales - I have our HUGE sale scheduled for May 16-18th, but since this weekend is the Rural Parkway M-15 sale, I thought I would open up the porch for that. Well it kept growing and now we have SO MUCH STUFF! WOO! Well that's great but I am beat from setting things up and I still have MORE stuff in the garage that we have not sorted. Please pray this stuff sells well for us as we still need a significant chunk if we are going to get 2 children. If you are local, please stop by!  I also printed up 100 flyers to hand out for the big sale as well. I will try to get a picture of some of the madness tomorrow.

Ok now I am going to go bed so I can get up in the morning early enough to get a bunch more stuff priced. HUGE thanks to my mom for coming out to help price things and to her and everyone else that has donated stuff for us to sell.  We really appreciate it!!