Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting Messy

A few weeks ago I was approached by our family pastor to do a large painting for the youth program at church. It would be a focal point on a wall for a new series they were starting. I accepted the challenge as it involved splatter painting, which is a great form of stress therapy! I completed the painting in a few days and they now have it hanging in the room at church. 'Get Messy' is the theme for their study. And though I have not looked into the curriculum to see what they are actually studying, the simple message has really struck a cord with me. Messy is exactly what we are called to be as Christ followers.

One of the most common things that I hear from people who have told their family and friends about their adoption plans things that revolve around being comfortable.

"Are you sure about this?" (Yes)
"What is this going to do to your life style?" (Who knows)
"What are your kids going to go without because of your choices?" (I suppose they won't get to go to Disney Land.. oh wait, none of them want to. hmm)
"What if it's not easy?" (Nothing worth doing is easy)
"What if it's messy?" (Good!)

Do you think that Jesus lived a life where any of those questions mattered? Was his life comfortable? No! Was his life messy? YES and I praise him for it. Where would it leave us if he had turned from the cross and said "never mind, this is too messy for me, I'd rather sit in my comfy life and be as safe as possible"? We have life and redemption because he was not afraid to 'get messy'. This is what we need to be when we live out the life God has laid before us.

When was the last time you had a life changing experience while eating potato chips in the kitchen? Or zoning out to some addictive drama on TV? I would be willing to bet that the times you have felt closest to God were the times you were in an uncomfortable spot. So why then do we shy away from everything uncomfortable? We need to be risk takers. We need to put ourselves out there for the sake of others.

We tackle many improvement projects at our house. Anyone who has done any remodeling knows it is uncomfortable, noisy, often inconvenient, and messy. When it is finished though, was it worth it? Were the bruises from misplaced hammer swings worth it? Did you grow closer to your work crew? Did you strengthen muscles you didn't know you had?

The Beth Moore study we are doing right now at Bible study is on James. This weeks video was right on with this. She asked what our Christian role models probably looked like. Do we think they were clean with the flawless hair and skin and beautiful clothes? In all likelihood they were disheveled with unkempt hair, dirty, smelly, and with a limp. They got messy. They had been bruised and broken by the life of service they led.   Lord I want to finish this race looking like that! I want to drag myself over the finish line having done everything I could for his kingdom. For his people. For the least of these.

I want to get messy. Now those who visit my house might argue I already have messy down to an art. Honestly though I don't see that ever changing as long as there are real family life moments happening within it's walls, and that is ok with me. Perhaps I should paint a large sign for my front door that warns of the real life inside. I hope it would have a two fold meaning..  Our life is messy.