Friday, December 21, 2012

Almost Christmas

Today is the last day of school for the kids for the next nearly 2 weeks. They are pretty excited. Most of them just had movies or read in parties today. A last chance to give gifts to their friends and teaching staff. We stayed up baking chocolate chip cookies for the teachers, bus driver, and reading tutor, while watching some classic movies. I still have shopping to do tonight. With everything in a slightly different perspective this year, I have found it a bit difficult to get into the materialistic side of this holiday. My children and family have far more than they could possibly *need*. The kids have toys they hardly ever play with, books that sit on the shelves, clothes that seem to get washed repeatedly despite my not ever seeing them wear them, stuffed animals enough to stock a plush zoo. We have food, warmth, education, treatment for medical issues, freedom to worship Christ. Seriously what more do we need? This week I have slowly come around, but mostly we are just giving little things that will bring a smile to someone's face. Enough that they know we appreciate them. I also mailed out our family Christmas card for the first time in several years. If you get one, please be sure not to mention anything about it publicly online. We are still bound to privacy in that aspect.  As far as the adoption plans go, we are getting close to being able to commit on Reece's Rainbow. It probably won't be by Christmas but very very soon!! There is an extra stocking in the pile next to the Christmas tree this year anyway. What ever Santa leaves will just be delivered a little late. We are still hoping to travel this summer. I wish he was here now. I still pray for him daily. That he is healthy and that someone in the orphanage shows him love. For years I have felt like a piece was missing, and in some ways it is easier knowing where that piece is, but in other ways it is harder. He has no idea that we are coming for him. Has no idea what real living is like. I wish I could reach though my computer and touch his cheeks.

We finally got a bit of snow last night. Just enough to make everything beautiful. I hope it stays for a little while. The drab muddy brown was getting old, though I don't really mind the water troughs and dishes staying thawed outside! I love the snow, but not the ice. Even our coldest days, however, are no match for the -56f that is hitting parts of Russia right now. I cannot even fathom cold like that. At the single digits the insides of your nostrils freeze pretty fast. There, people are dying of exposure. :( How many of them are the homeless street orphans? Are they even counted among them? Will anyone even notice? It breaks my heart.

This along with the juvenile power trip going on with Russian law makers that is threatening to ban adoptions by US citizens. Please be praying for those families in process, as well as the innocent children who will suffer because of this legislation.

Deuteronomy 10:18
He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.

PS. Don't forget about the give-away! Just a few more days to get entries!