Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Last auction is live!

I finished posting all of the items for the final auction (at least for December) late last night. What a busy day! I also ran out of most packing supplies so there are a couple of boxes that still need to ship out from last week. My husband was looking at the stuff I posted in the auction last night and mentioned he hadn't even seen a lot of it before. LOL This is because we still have stuff in boxes in the basement from moving in over a year ago. Obviously we don't need it if we have not even seen it in a year and our lives went on as usual. Now I did go dig the iron out 2 weeks ago. I had been sewing at my inlaw's house, where my mother-in-law has a sewing studio. I just moved all of my stuff home so that I could work more than just the 1-2 days a week that I was over there. I don't have an ironing board though so ironing consists precariously pressing fabric while trying to not scorch the cotton batting I lay on the table to keep the table from being damaged. It works for now though. Maybe I will score a cheap one from the Salvation Army at some point. I've been busy enough lately that I have not even had a chance to go look. The only trip I have made there was to drop off 8 bags of clothing we had sorted out of the excess. (That's a post for another day!)

I have a few art pieces I need to work on today and try to get finished up within the next few days. One is a sales piece, the other a commission. I think I only have a handful of commissions left to finish. Yay! I don't think I am going to make the Jan 1st cut off but it will be very soon after. This will free up a lot of stress so I can put all of my energy where it needs to be.  Between getting the house in order (finally) and having this mental burden off of me I may be a new person in 2013. I cannot wait! The house might even get painted at long last!

And speaking of being a new person, I hope that will include becoming a mom of 6. I emailed to get the commitment process started. We still have a bit of $ to get raised though. The sooner we get all of this going, the sooner we can travel. This weeks auction is a buzz of activity. What a blessing! I would love to sell everything in it! Our Amazon link has made us $12.36 so far! That's awesome. Every penny counts in this house. When we clean, if we find a random penny(or other change) on the floor, or in a couch cushion, it goes into the coffee can. When it is full, it will be taken to the credit union and deposited in the adoption account.  It's almost half full!